Saturday, February 25, 2012

Makings of a Master

A few days ago I heard someone referred to as a "Master Teacher".  From what I can tell the main credential for this title was the woman's incredibly lengthy career (84 years old and still at it).  This comment launched a discussion with a friend of mine over what really constitutes a "Master" teacher, and whether or not we felt as if we had ever really seen one in action.

For myself I feel lucky to say that yes I do believe I have seen a Master teacher, perhaps more than one.  I think a master inspires.  I think they are the ones who make teaching seem effortless in the moment but behind the scenes work the hardest.  I have seen teachers who work 3 different lessons into a twenty minute circle time.  Teachers who refuse to let a child with difficult behavior issues stop them from trying something new everyday to get through.  Teachers with a strong tone and a huge heart, getting 3rd graders excited about fractions.  Teachers who make it their mission to love the most difficult child in their class.  

So what makes a master?

I think confidence without arrogance has a lot to do with it.  Teachers who believe in what they are doing (sometimes whether or not it's the norm).  Teachers who teach because it is really what they WANT to be doing (don't even get me started on the teachers who are at it for the summer vacation or the ones who think they make great teachers just because they've raised children).

Masters aren't afraid to "lose" control because they know that control isn't lost if it is willingly given.  That noise and laughter aren't indicators that a class is wild, that learning doesn't have to happen in regimented silence, that sometimes messy is wonderful.  Along the same note I think a master understands that learning doesn't always happen on the schedule you plan it on.  That tangents can be just as valuable as curriculum, and that you are never sacrificing time if some kind of lesson is developing on its own.

I believe that masters ALWAYS take their work home with them.  It doesn't matter if you have been teaching for 50 years and have a file folio that rivals the Library of Congress, a master teacher will still be coming up with new idea's, because a master teacher knows that no two classes are alike.

A master teacher will NEVER let their feelings for a child get in the way of what that child deserves in their education.  In fact I believe a master teacher would go out of their way to make every child believe they are loved and valued.  We all have students that rub us the wrong way... but in a master teachers class, you would never be able to figure out who that child is.

So what do you think?  Have you ever been in the presence of a Master?  What are your qualifications?  When you think back on that favorite teacher... what was it exactly that made them better than all the rest?  I'd love to hear!!

Teach on!

1 comment:

  1. I think a master teacher needs to inspire self-education. The best teachers I know are the ones who made me so excited to learn something that I went out on my own to find it!
